Home Background: Wood Elf Background Timeline Story behind the setting Rules: New Economy Rules Hazard Charts: General Notes Orc Army Hazards Underground Hazards Shops: Wood Elf Village Pine Glade Yew Glade Orc Camp Orc Black Market Dwarf Outpost Skaven Armoury Clan Skryre Armoury Skryre Inner Sanctum Warbands: Savage Orcs Wood Elf Scouts Dwarf Slayers Skaven Clan Skryre Links |
![]() Forest Hazards11: Goblin Ambush As a few of your heroes were walking through the forest alone at night, some forest goblins jump out of the bushes and try to steal their equipment. There are D6 forest goblins. Determine D3+1 random heroes. Those heroes may either give all of their equipment (except for one concealed dagger) to the goblins, or fight them. If they choose to fight, 2D6 more forest goblins jump out of the bushes. Set the heroes up on the middle of a 2’x2’ table. Surround them with the forest goblins. The goblins should all be at least 6" away from the heroes. They are each armed with a spear. The goblins get the first turn. If the heroes win, then they find D6 gold on the goblin bodies. If the goblins win, then the heroes automatically get the ‘robbed’ serious injury instead of a normal one. Your heroes will never need to take a rout test in this skirmish, but the goblins do. Note that heroes don’t gain experience for taking goblins out of action, but they do gain 1 experience if they don’t go out of action during the ordeal. The goblins have stats as follows:
12: Wild Treeman All of the commotion in the forest upset a treeman, who wondered into the orc army and was wounded by them. He has been wondering around the forest aimlessly since then, and just happened to meet one of your warriors alone. Randomly determine which hero it was. Put the hero and a treeman on a 2’ x 2’ battlefield, each on opposite table edges. If the hero was a Wood Elf, a Halfling, or a Dryad, then the treeman goes first, as those races don’t expect a treeman to hurt or attack them. If the hero was of any other race, then they get to take the first turn. The treeman causes fear, has a 5+ save against any attacks other than fire based attacks, takes double damage from fire, and can move through forest with no penalty. His giant arms count as clubs. If the hero wins the combat, he gains +1 experience, unless he’s a Wood Elf, a Halfling, or a Dryad, as he’s too ashamed. If he looses, roll for a serious injury as normal. The Treeman’s stats are:
13: Falling Tree As your warband walks down a path in the forest, a tree suddenly falls on one of the warriors. Randomly determine which warrior the tree fell on. If the warrior passes an initiative test, he nimbly dodges the tree. If he fails, the tree falls on him and he must take a serious injury. A roll of 6 always fails an initiative test. 14: Traps Your warband suddenly finds itself caught in a wide variety of traps, most likely left by a waywatcher in some long forgotten battle. Take an initiative test for each of your warriors. A roll of 6 always fails an initiative test. Warriors that pass are safe. Those that don’t were caught in traps. Each warrior that was caught in a trap suffers D3 strength 4 hits. Note that the ‘knocked down’ and ‘stunned’ injury rolls have no affect on warriors not in a battle. 15: Spider's Web One of your warriors has been caught in a spider’s web while on his own. Randomly determine which warrior. That warrior must pass a strength test to break free. A roll of 6 always fails a strength test. If the warrior passes, he has broken free and makes it back to the camp safely. If he fails, the spider comes back before he has a chance to free himself. He suffers a serious injury before he barely manages to get back to the camp. 16: Uneventful Trip Your warriors don’t seem to come across anything that’s very eventful for this portion of the trip. 21: River Troll While the warband forges a river, a long, slimy arm quickly darts out of the water and grabs one of your warriors. Randomly determine which warrior. That warrior needs to take a toughness test to see if he can withstand the time that he’s under water. A roll of 6 always fails a toughness roll. If the warrior passes, he can hold his breath for long enough before he fights his way free. If the warrior fails, he’s exhausted from his time under water and must miss the next battle while he recovers. Undead warriors do not have to breath so they don’t have to take a toughness test, but they are slower than other warriors, so they have to take an initiative test instead. 22: Wandering Necromancer A cloaked necromancer attacks your warband as they make their way through a dense spot in the forest, hoping to further his collection of zombies. Set up D3 of your warriors on one side of a 3’ x 3’ table, and then set up the necromancer, D6 zombies, and D6 skeletons on the other side. Every turn, D3 more of your warriors come onto the table on your starting side. The necromancer is armed with a staff and has one randomly determined necromancy spell. The skeletons are each armed with an axe, shield, and light armor. The skeletons and zombies have the following special rules: ‘Cause Fear,’ ‘May not Run,’ ‘Immune to Psychology,’ ‘Immune to poison,’ and ‘No pain.’ Warriors do not gain experience for taking skeletons or zombies out of action, but do gain +1 experience for taking the necromancer out of action and +1 experience for not going out of action during the battle. Their stats are as follows:
23: The Wrong Path After several days of wandering, the leader of your warband declares that they must have taken the wrong path somewhere. Roll on this table two more times. 24: Sick A day or two after drinking from a questionable spring, some of your warriors begin to get sick. D3 of your heroes may not buy equipment at the shop you were headed to as they are too sick. Determine which heroes randomly. Warriors who are immune to poison are also immune to the affects of this disease. 25: Uneventful Trip Your warriors don’t seem to come across anything that’s very eventful for this portion of the trip. 26: Wood Elf Camp In the clearing your warband sees a camp of wood elves dancing around the fire and enjoying a nice meal. Wood Elves and Halflings may join the festivities. Savage Orcs, Undead, Beastmen, and Skaven may raid the camp. Any warband may just pass by. If a warband stays, all of its heroes gain +1 experience after listening to tails by the fire, eating a hefty meal, and dancing around for several days. It costs 2D6 gold crowns to stay, however, and the warband will not go to a shop. If a warband just passes by, then nothing happens. Treat this as an Uneventful Trip. If a warband raids the camp, they find 5D6 gold crowns worth of loot after scaring off the peaceful Elves. However, news spreads quickly, and in the next battle that the raiders fight Wood Elves, all of the warriors in the Wood Elves warband will hate everyone in the raiding warband. 31: Trapped Child While exploring the woods around the warband’s camp alone, one of the heroes finds a small Wood Elf child who’s trapped in a pit. Determine which hero randomly. As the hero goes down to the child (either to help it in the case of Wood Elves, Dryads, Halflings, Humans, and Dwarves or kill it in the case of Orcs, Undead, Beastmen, and Skaven), the hero realizes too late that it’s a trap set by a Necromancer. D3 zombies spring up out of the ground and start attacking the hero. Put the zombies into base contact with the hero and start fighting. The zombies get the first turn, but no one counts as charging. The hero does not gain experience for taking individual zombies out of action, but he does gain +1 experience for taking all of the zombies out of action. If the zombies win, the hero automatically dies. The warband might see him some time as a zombie. If the hero wins, the necromancer runs away and the hero can complete what he wanted to do with the trapped child. The zombies have the following special rules: ‘Cause Fear,’ ‘May not Run,’ ‘Immune to Psychology,’ ‘Immune to poison,’ and ‘No pain.’ Their stats are:
32: Waywatcher Ambush As one of your heroes scouts ahead of the rest of the group, arrows fly, without warning, from a tree nearby into his flesh. One randomly determined hero takes D6 strength 3 hits, with –1 armor save. Note that the ‘knocked down’ and ‘stunned’ injury results have no affect here. 33: Wild Cats Your warband comes across a pack of hungry wild cats that are in desperate need of food. Set your warriors up on one side of a 4’ x 4’ table, and then set 2D6 wild cats up at the other end. Warriors who take individual wild cats out of action don’t gain experience, but warriors who do not go out of action get +1 experience. The wild cats get the first turn. Wild cats are animals but can climb trees. Wild cats have the following stats:
34: Giant Boulder While walking down their normal path, your warband suddenly comes across a gigantic boulder in the path. The entire warband needs to work together to move it. Take a strength test for every warrior in the warband. If at least half of the models pass, then the boulder has been moved and you may continue onto your shop as normal. If less than half of the models pass, then the boulder is too huge and you must go on an unfamiliar path. Roll two more times on this chart. 35: Uneventful Trip Your warriors don’t seem to come across anything that’s very eventful for this portion of the trip. 36: Dead Goblin One of your warriors trips on the corpse of a dead goblin, littered with arrows. You find 3D6 gold crowns on it. 41: Skaven Tunnel As your warband is walking along, one of your heroes suddenly falls through the ground. He finds himself in a tunnel that is being dug out by skaven slaves. They quickly come to their senses and attack the warrior. Randomly determine which hero falls. Place that hero in the middle of a 2’ x 2’ table. Put D6 skaven slaves surrounding him, each at the edge of the table. They get the first turn. The hero doesn’t get experience for taking individual skaven slaves out of action, but if he wins he gets +1 experience. If the skaven win, he will suffer 2 serious injuries before the skaven have to continue working. After that, the hero escapes, assuming he is still alive. The skaven slaves are each armed with picks(count as axes). The skaven slaves have the following stats:
42: Beastman Shrine Your warband spots some beastmen praising the gods of Chaos at one of their shrines. You may either leave them alone or fight them. If you choose to leave them alone, roll a D6. On a 1, they catch up to you and fight you anyway. Treat it as if you stayed and fought, but they get the first turn. Any other roll means that you got away safely. If you stay and fight, set your warriors up on one edge of a 4’ x 4’ table, with D6 gors and D6 ungors on the other edge. Your warband gets the first turn, unless you tried to get away and they caught you. Gors are armed with axes and shields and wear light armor. Ungors are each armed with one spear. Your heroes gain +1 experience for taking gors out of action and anyone who didn’t go out of action gains +1 experience at the end of the battle. Who ever routes first looses. In addition, if your warband is Beastmen, after you win you may stay and worship at the shrine and your leader gains an extra +1 experience. The beastmen have the following stats:
43: War Hawk Nest While marching through the forest, one of your warriors notices a nest in one of the trees. Upon closer inspection, one of your heroes recognizes it as a War Hawk nest and decides to climb the tree to reach the nest. Determine which hero randomly. Have that hero take an initiative test. A roll of 6 always fails an initiative test. If the hero passes, he made it to the top of the tree where the nest is. If he failed the test, he cannot reach the top before the rest of the warband begins to get bored and has to get down. If the hero passed the test, he gets a War Hawk egg. Wood Elves can raise the baby War Hawk. After every battle roll a D6. On a 6 the War Hawk is ready for battle. Your warband gains a free War Hawk that they may sell or use in battle. Dryads, Halflings, Humans, Undead, and Dwarves will just sell the egg. They gain 5D6 gold crowns. Orcs, Bastmen, and Skaven will eat the War Hawk inside the egg. After next battle, they do not have to subtract dice for their income roll for the members of their warband. While in the nest, the parent War Hawks might return. Roll a D6. On a 1-3, the parents return in time to find their egg being stolen and attack the thief. That hero takes a serious injury. 44: Lost Tileans Some Tileans who have gotten horribly lost meet up with your warband. They beg for help, no matter what race your warband is. Right before your warband is about to help, hurt, or steal from the men, one pulls a pistol from his belt and shoots your leader. He takes a serious injury unless he can pass a toughness test. A roll of 6 always fails a toughness test. 45: Uneventful Trip Your warriors don’t seem to come across anything that’s very eventful for this portion of the trip. 46: Injured Elven Steed One of your heroes happens to find an injured Elven Steed, one of the few surviving ones in the forest, left for dead under a tree. If your warband is Wood Elves, Dryads, Halflings, Humans, or Dwarves, your warband will try to recover it. It will take D3 battles before it’s fully recovered, but it might die before then. After every battle, before it fully recovers, roll a D6. On the roll of 1, the Steed suddenly died. If the Steed survives until it’s fully recovered, it may then be used in battle, by Wood Elves, or sold for 60 gold crowns by any warband. Orcs, Beastmen, and Skaven will eat the Steed. After next battle, they do not have to subtract dice for their income roll for the members of their warband. Undead will kill the horse and just leave it there for the carrion to eat. 51: Imperial Noble An Imperial Noble who has wondered into the forest in search of treasure and to make a name for himself has taken offense to something one of your heroes said and challenges him to a duel. Randomly determine which hero insulted the noble. The hero can accept the challenge and fight him or can decline and further insult the noble. If the hero accepts, take a weapon skill test. A roll of 6 always fails a weapon skill test. If the hero passed, that means he beat the Imperial Noble. Roll a further D6. On the roll of 6, he killed the noble and gains a free sword, buckler, pistol, and 3D6 gold crowns. If the hero failed his weapon skill test, he lost to the noble and suffers a serious injury. If the hero declined the noble’s challenge, the noble get so insulted that he shoots the hero with his pistol as he walks off. The hero must take a toughness test. A roll of 6 always fails a toughness test. If the hero passes, he is unharmed and continues on with the rest of the warband. If the hero fails, he takes a serious injury. 52: Little Thief While walking through the forest, the leader of your warband suddenly feels his gold pouch get lighter. He turns just in time to see a short, fat figure run off into the bushes. Your warband looses 5D6 gold crowns. If you don’t have that much, then all of your gold crowns are stolen. 53: Night Visitors During the night, your warriors hear strange sounds coming from the forest and start to panic. Your leader tries to assure them that the sounds are nothing and that they should stay their ground. Take a leadership test for your leader. If he fails, the warband turns tail and runs, abandoning their camp to the mysterious noise. When they get back, they find 10D6 gold crowns missing. If the warband didn’t have that many gold crowns, then all of their gold crowns are gone. If the leader passes his test, then the warband stays, only to find that the noise was by a few goblins trying to make some easy money. The warband chases the goblins off and your leader gains +1 experience. Undead never have to take this test as they know no fear, but the leader doesn’t gain the +1 experience. 54: Dwarf Lumberjacks One of your heroes spots some Dwarves cutting down some trees and reports it to the leader. You may choose to continue on or fight the dwarves. Wood Elves and Dryads must fight the dwarves. If the warband wishes to continue on treat this result as an ‘Uneventful Trip.’ Otherwise, place your warband at the edge of a 4’ by 4’ table, and place 3D3 dwarves at the other edge. Your warband gets the first turn as you catch the dwarves by suprise. Each dwarf is armed with a double-handed axe used for chopping down trees and wears light armor. Heroes do not gain experience for taking individual dwarves out of action, but warriors do get +1 experience for not going out of action. Whoever routes first looses. The leaders of Wood Elf and Dryad warbands gain +1 additional experience for defeating the Dwarves. If your warband wins, you gain D6 gold crowns for each Dwarf that you took out of action. Dwarves have the following stats:
55: Uneventful Trip After next battle, they do not have to subtract dice for their income roll for the members of their warband. 56: Secret Path One of the warriors in your warband happens to come across a secret path. It is a shortcut and your leader quickly jots down its location. For now on, whenever you have to roll 2 or more times on the Forest Hazards chart, you only have to roll on less than you normally would have to. Note that this is not cumulative and has no affect if it is rolled more than once. 61: Snipers While walking down a forest path, your warband is suddenly littered with arrows from the trees. If the warband is a Wardancer, Waywatcher, Dryad, Brettonian, or Beastmaster warband, roll a D6. On a 4-6, or 2-6 for a Waywatcher warband, the Waywatchers sniping the warband decide that it is good and do not fire. 3D6 arrows hit your troops. Randomly determine who each arrow hits. Hits are at strength 3 with a –1 armor save. Note that the ‘knocked down’ and ‘stunned’ injury results have no affect here. 62: Druid A lone Druid stumbles across one of your heroes as he was wandering through the forest. Unless your warband is a Dryad warband, one of your heroes determined randomly, will miss D3 games as he is trapped in a wooden prison made by the Druid. If the warband is a Dryad warband, one of your heroes, determined randomly, will be at +1 strength next battle, even if this takes him over his maximum characteristic. 63: Harpy Swarm While walking through a clearing in the forest, your warband is suddenly attacked by some Harpies who are looking for a quick meal. D6 harpies attack. Set your warband up in the middle of a 2’ by 2’ table. Put the harpies in base contact with the troops with the lowest strength value first. The harpies will try to attack models on a one to one basis, but they will only be set up in base contact with models with the lowest strength. The Harpies count as charging on the first turn. The Harpies do not have weapons, but don’t need them to fight. The Harpies can fly. Every Harpy put out of action gives the hero that took the Harpy out of action +1 experience. The Harpies have the following stats:
64: Uneventful Trip After next battle, they do not have to subtract dice for their income roll for the members of their warband. 65: Dead Waywatcher One of your heroes comes across a dead Waywatcher which was killed in a battle. His body was already looted, but the hero manages to find something hidden on his body. Roll a D6 and consult the following chart to see what he found.
66: Battle Scene Your warband comes across a battle scene between some Orcs and some Wood Elves. The battle is long since over and the area is littered with bodies. After hours of searching, your warband manages to find the following items. Roll a D6 for each item, except the ones marked auto.