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![]() Dwarf Troll SlayersA proud race, Dwarfs do not cope well with failure or personal loss. Dwarfs who have been crossed in love, or who have suffered some personal calamity, will dedicate their lives to the Slayer Cult. Slayers forsake family and fellowship for a life dedicated to hunting out and destroying the largest monsters they can find. Looking for and destroying large monsters like Trolls and Giants is life-threatening work, and as a natural selection mechanism it ensures that surviving Slayers are exceptionally tough, violent, and insanely dangerous. Slayers that fail to get themselves killed become even more angst-ridden as they search or larger and more ferocious monsters. Slayers usually do not travel in groups, but they can be united by a common goal, such as searching Athel Loren.Dwarf Special Rules Hard to Kill. Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who can only be taken out of action on the roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as knocked down, 3-5 as stunned, and 6 as out of action. Hard Head. Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out! Armour. Dwarfs never suffer movement penalties for wearing armor. However, Slayers will never wear armor of any type besides runic tattoos. If they gain armor through exploration, then they will attempt to sell it at the next shop they visit, for whatever price they get for it. Hate Orcs and Goblins. All Dwarfs hate Orcs and Goblins Grudgebearers. Dwarfs hold an ancient grudge against Elves from the days when the two races fought for supremacy in the Old World. A Dwarf warband may never include any kind of Elven Hired Sword. Resistant. Dwarfs are resistant to magic, as they simply don't believe in it. When being affect by a spell, a dwarf automatically gains a 6+ resistance save. If they pass their roll, then the spell does not effect them. Each model has to roll individually, so if the spell has a radius, then each dwarf has to roll for resistance individually, and if any of the models pass then those models are not affected by the spell, but the ones that failed are still affected. Slayers. Slayers have dedicated their lives to dying in battle. To represent this, the Slayer warband may ignore the first two bottle tests they are required to make. In addition, a Slayer warband may not voluntarily bottle. Close Combat. Slayers only fight with weapons like axes, hammers, and in extreme cases swords. They will never buy long range weapons, and must sell any long range weapons they receive immediately for whatever price they can get. This does not include throwing weapons. Explore On. All heroes may roll for exploration even when they are taken out of action. The side effect is that they only roll one D3 instead of D6. Note, it they are not taken out of action they still roll a normal D6. This rule does not apply to henchmen. Shops. Slayers may visit the Dwarf Outpost, the Runesmith, and the Human Shop. Choice of Warriors You must have at least 3 and a maximum of 12 models in your warband. You begin with 500 gold crowns to spend on your warriors. Only 4 dwarf heroes at maximum can be bought. The other two may only be acquired by ‘Lads got Talent’ rolls.
Ferocious Charge. The Dwarf may double his attacks on the turn in which he charges. He will suffer a -1 to hit penalty on that turn. Berserker. The Dwarf may add +1 to his to hit rolls during the turn in which he charges. Note: The first two skills may not be used in conjunction with each other. Greased Hair. All Dwarfs within 2” of the Dwarf who has this skill may use his leadership value. If the dwarf already has a leadership-like skill, then his command radius is increased by 2". Double-Hand Master. This dwarf may not be parried when he uses double-handed weapons. Survivor. The Dwarf may re-roll the his injury on the serious injury table. He may only re-roll once, and the second result always stands. Whirlwind. For each model in hand to hand combat with the Dwarf, the Dwarf gains +1 all rolls on the critical hit effect table, up to a maximum of +3.
Dwarfs can pay other dwarf tattooists to create special runic tattoos using unique symbols and odd metallic coloring. Tattoos cannot be bought by normal heroes at the start of a campaign, only Dragon Slayers and Deamon Slayers can. Dwarf tattooists can be found in any good dwarf town. Only heroes can buy runic tattoos, henchmen may only have normal tattoos, which have no affect on the game. Note, henchmen that become heroes can still buy runic tattoos. No tattoo may be bought in duplicates. All tattoos have different costs, as displayed below. Stok Gloves Cost: 25 gc The Stok Gloves are four narrow stripes tattooed onto the backs of the slayer's large hands, each one going up to the end of a different finger. Stok means 'to hit or strike', which is much like what the Stok Gloves do. A slayer that has Stok Gloves may re-roll one attack that failed to hit, the second roll must be accepted no matter what it may be. This rule can be used with any close combat weapon. Ok Band Cost: 30 gc Ok Bands are thick wavy strips that wrap around that slayers arm just below the elbow. Ok means 'cunning or skillful', and it enhances the hero's natural reactions. A hero that has an Ok band will always strike before an enemy in hand to hand combat, but will only get to attack first with one attack unless he would attack first anyway. This tattoo does not affect double-handed weapons, which must always attack last. Klad Swirls Cost: 25 gc Klad Swirls normally are three wavy lines swirling out from a center point, and imprisoned by a circle. Klad means 'armor', it allows the slayer to gain an armor save it normally wouldn't get to have. While slayers lack physical armor, Klad Swirls summons a protective layer of swirling colors. The slayer gains a 6+ save, which cannot be modified. Uzkul Signs Cost: 20 gc Uzkul Signs are pictures of bones or death, usually they are tattooed on the shoulder. Uzkul means 'bones or death', two things that slayers go looking for, hoping that their doom will be waiting nearby. A slayer with Uzkul Signs causes fear in his enemies, and so is immune to fear himself. Zharr Marks Cost: 15 gc Zharr Marks are delicately carved pictures of flame and fire, blazing into the sky or licking up posts of wood. Zharr means 'fire', and this rule was first created by Tonog Gafhammer, the inventor of the flame cannon. When a model has this tattoo all his attacks count as burning and do double wounds to things susceptible to fire. This rule also affects unarmed combat and thrown weapons. Also, he does not suffer the normal effects of having to fight unarmed, he always counts as having a sword with no parry, so to speak. Skrund Bracelets Cost: 30 gc Skrund Bracelets are five jagged lines tattoos on both of the hero's legs, just below his knees. Skrund means to 'hew rock or to get stuck in', and it lets the dwarf feel energized when the prospect of a fight arises. When he is near a fight he suddenly feels a jolt of energy and his stout legs feel like they could run a mile uphill. The hero can charge his normal movement +d3". Drung Stripes Cost: 25 gc Drung Stripes are one inch thick bands running from the dwarf's shoulder all the way down to the tip of his middle finger on both hands. Drung means to 'defeat or vanquish', and in this case it represents the dwarf being able to defeat the effects of any magic. When a model has this tattoo they are especially resistant to all types of magic, and gain a 4+ resistance roll against spells. This is not used in conjunction with the special rules for all dwarf resistance, and it is no longer in effect for this model. Azul Spirals Cost: 15 gc Azul Spirals are two long marks spiraling around the dwarf's midsection. Azul means 'metal of any kind; dependable; a sturdy dwarf', this signifies the dwarf's will to stay in battle no matter what he faces. This slayer is now immune to all psychology and All Alone tests. Hunk Symbols Cost: 30 gc Hunk Symbols are three interconnecting circles on the dwarfs back, supposing to represent a pile of stones. Hunk means to 'carry heavy rocks or other burden'. It makes the enemy feel as if they are weighted just by looking at the dwarf. Any enemy charging the model subtracts -d3" from it's charge distance. If it fails to make contact the rules for a failed charge apply. 1 Daemon Slayer 95 gold crowns to hire These are the oldest and worthiest slayers there are. Daemon Slayers have been especially successful, or unsuccessful, at finding their doom, and are very respected and feared by other dwarfs.
Weapons/Armour: The Daemon Slayer may be equipped with weapons from the Slayer equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Leader: Any model from the warband that is within 8" of the Daemon Slayer may use his leadership value. Doomed: Daemon Slayers have devoted their lives to finding the largest monster and either killing it, or being killed by it. To show this, Daemon Slayers are immune to all psychology and All Alone tests. Monster-killer: Daemon Slayers have spent their time killing large monsters, and so have a lot of experience in combat. Daemon Slayers will automatically wound any model with a toughness 8 or lower on a 4+, or better if suggested by the 'to wound' chart. Runic Tattoos: As with all Slayers, Daemon Slayers are covered with tattoos of swirling symbols and patterns. These usually do nothing more that enhance his physical appearance and inspire fear is his enemies, but sometimes when he has saved up enough money they can have special runesmiths inscribe special runic tattoos with magical powers. Daemon Slayers may buy runic tattoos at the start of a campaign, and they costs 5 gc less than normal. This bonus is negated for all other visits after this one. 0-1 Dragon Slayer 80 gold crowns to hire These slayers are only a step lower than Daemon Slayers. Dragon Slayers still command much respect from the other warriors, and are almost as fierce as Daemon Slayers.
Weapons/Armour: The Dragon Slayer may be equipped with weapons from the Slayer equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Respected: Although the Dragon Slayer is not the leader of the warband, he is still highly respected. Any model from the warband that is within 4" of the Dragon Slayer may use his leadership value. Doomed: Dragon Slayers have devoted their lives to finding the largest monster and either killing it, or being killed by it. To show this, Dragon Slayers are immune to all psychology and All Alone tests. Monster-killer: Dragon Slayers have spent their time killing large monsters, and so have a lot of experience in combat. Dragon Slayers will automatically wound any model with a toughness 7 or lower on a 4+, or better if suggested by the 'to wound' chart. Runic Tattoos: As with all Slayers, Dragon Slayers are covered with tattoos of swirling symbols and patterns. These usually do nothing more that enhance his physical appearance and inspire fear is his enemies, but sometimes when he has saved up enough money they can have special runesmiths inscribe special runic tattoos with magical powers. Dragon Slayers do not have the same personal image as Daemon Slayers, but may still buy runic tattoos at the start of a campaign, and they costs 5 gc less than normal. This bonus is negated for all other visits after this one. 0-2 Giant Slayers 65 gold crowns to hire Giant Slayers are slayers who haven't been disgraced for too long, but they have been around and smashed their way up through the ranks.
Weapons/Armour: Giant Slayers may be equipped with weapons from the Slayer equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Doomed: Giant Slayer have devoted their lives to finding the largest monster and either killing, or being killed by it. To show this, Giant Slayers are immune to fear and All Alone tests. Monster-killer: Giant Slayers have spent their time killing large monsters, and so have a lot of experience in combat. Giant Slayers will automatically wound any model with a toughness 6 or lower on a 4+, or better if suggested by the 'to wound' chart. 0-3 Goblin Slayers 30 gold crowns to hire A lesser known rank, for young dwarfs who are obligated to become slayers, but are not quite sure of their fighting skills yet. Goblin Slayers have only seen combat a few times, and have mostly short beards.
Weapons/Armour: Goblin Slayers may be equipped with weapons from the Slayer Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Doomed: Goblin Slayer have devoted their lives to finding the largest monster and either killing it, or being killed by it. To show this, Goblin Slayers are immune to All Alone tests. Monster-killer: Goblin Slayers have spent some of their time killing large monsters, and so have some experience in combat. Goblin Slayers will automatically wound any model with a toughness 5 or lower on a 4+, or better if suggested by the 'to wound' chart. 0-5 Skaven Slayers 45 gold crowns to hire Great Skaven hoardes inhabit most of the ruined dwarf fortresses, so it is only natural that some slayers should head straight for the mountains to try to meet their doom at the brown tides.
Weapons/Armour: Skaven Slayers may be equipped with weapons from the Slayers Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Frenzy: Skaven Slayers have fought most of their lives against the Skaven that terrorize their Dwarven homeland. Being used to having to kill many of the large swarms that flood their cites, these dwarfs have acquired a bloodthirsty frenzy and so are affected by the rules for frenzy. Doomed: Skaven Slayers have devoted their lives to finding the largest monster, or largest amount of monsters, and either killing them, or being killed by them. To show this, Skaven Slayers are immune to all psychology and All Alone tests when frenzied, and immune to fear when they are not frenzied. Troll Slayers 40 gold crowns to hire The most common rank, there are more Troll Slayers than all the other ranks combined. Most dwarf armies have a regiment of Troll Slayers in their army, due to their death vow. Their lack of great experience is made up for by their extreme willingness.
Weapons/Armour: Troll Slayers may be equipped with weapons from the Slayers Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Monster-killer: Troll Slayers have spent some of their time killing large Trolls, and so have some experience in combat. Troll Slayers will automatically wound any model with a toughness 5 or lower on a 4+, or better if suggested by the 'to wound' chart. Doomed: Troll Slayers have devoted their lives to finding the largest monster, or largest amount of monsters, and either killing them, or being killed by them. To show this, Troll Slayers are immune to fear and All Alone tests. 0-5 Squig Slayers 45 gold crowns to hire Slayers are easily aggravated, but there is nothing more annoying to a dwarf than a Squig who bounces into the air every time the Slayer gets a good swing at it. However, some Slayers are sufficiently bothered by this to teach themselves how to throw weapons with extreme accuracy to deal with enemies out of hand-to-hand combat reach.
Weapons/Armour: Squig Slayers may be equipped with weapons from the Squig Slayer Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Monster-killer: Squig Slayers have spent most of their time throwing things at large flying monsters and annoying bouncy red creatures, so have some experience in combat and ranged attacks. Squig Slayers will automatically wound any model with a toughness 5 or lower on a 4+, or better if suggested by the 'to wound' chart. This applies to thrown weapons as well. Doomed: Squig Slayers have devoted their lives to finding the largest flying monster, or largest amount of flying monsters, and either killing them, or being killed by them. To show this, Squig Slayers are immune to fear and All Alone Tests. Throwing: Squig Slayers have been specially shown how to throw multiple axes and hammers with deadly accuracy. If a Squig Slayer is armed with two thrown weapons, he may throw each one in the Shooting phase, effectively shooting twice in one turn. |